Alaska Caribou Hunting
Directory of 23 Alaska Caribou hunting lodges, guides and outfitters in Alaska.

Willow Air is now offering a caribou hunt out of McGrath in the mountains. We will land on a high mountain lake above timber where you can spend your days glassing for caribou and bears that are eating blueberries in early September. This area has a small resident herd of caribou that has been increasing in numbers for the past few years with almost no hunting pressure. We have been seeing some nice bulls while flying over the area.

Alaskan Barren ground Alaskan Caribou are the nomads of the far North and are constantly on the move to find new feeding areas with new sources of nourishment. The herd's movement can be far and wide and unpredictable at times. Good bulls are available and Alaska Caribou populations appear to be increasing again our guide areas. With long main beamed antlers that are massive and impressive along with their white manes they are remarkable in appearance and will make a great trophy for life.

The vast territory of the Yukon has 20 hunting concessions. Our hunting area is 8,000 sq. miles. The hunting opportunities are endless. Hunters fly into Whitehorse and are then flown to a remote base camp and then travel by horseback to remote tent camps. Hunt area is located in the Big Salmon Mountains and the Nisutlin Plateau. Hunters and guides will use, atv, horses and jet boats to access your hunting location. Good populations of Grizzly Bears, Alaska Yukon Moose, Mountain Caribou and Stone Sheep, black bear and wolverine. Hunters can expect trophy quality animals with high success. Combination hunts for multiple species are also available.

World class Alaska Grizzly Bear hunting combined with Giant Alaska Grizzly bear taken in fall of 2005 by John Rozanski the comforts of a Wilderness Lodge & 3 comfortable out camps make for a truly Spectacular hunting trip. 5 species of Alaska big game to hunt including Brown Bears, Grizzly Bears, Moose, Caribou Hunting and Wolf. Caribou and Grizzly bears traveling the border of the Gates of the Arctic Park offer our hunters an abundant resource of game. The Wilderness Lodge & 3 remote outcamps are a wilderness marvel and all located in the shadows of the world famous Brooks Range Mountains, This area is only accessible by our speciality PA-18 Supercub aircraft that lands on the remote tundra strips.

Offering quality moose/caribou hunts in a great area in central Alaska. Excellent trophy quality with every effort made to provide you with a great hunt. We are a small outfitting operation that focuses on providing quality hunts. We are in this business for the shear love of hunting not to get rich. This is why we only do a few hunts each year with the goal of providing top quality hunts with a high percentage of success. We operate "by the book" both legally and ethically. We believe that the majestic animals we hunt deserve fair chase and a clean ethical kill.

Robert P. Hardy and his entire staff offer quality hunts for a variety of Alaskan big-game: Grizzly Bear, Dall Sheep, Moose, Caribou, Mountain Goat, Black Bear, Wolf and Wolverine. Alaskan big-game hunting is Robert's specialty. But, whatever the experience you desire – whether it's hunting, fishing, bear-viewing, wildlife photography, backpacking, flight-seeing or simple vacationing – Robert can definitely provide the opportunity for you to have an enjoyable experience.

Our world class trips make for a truly unique and spectacular experience. We offer 2X1, seven day caribou hunts where you can explore and have the opportunity to hunt in the last great American frontier. Our backyard extends over 2000 square miles of unspoiled wilderness in the Western Arctic Brooks Range, bordering the Gates of the Arctic National Park. Call Arctic North Guides today and plan your own caribou hunt adventure with real Alaskans who love the place they live and the work they do.

Our hunters enjoy exclusive access to incredible caribou hunting that no other operator can offer. There are thousands of lakes in prime caribou hunting areas with no wheeled operator access. You will fly from Arrowhead Outfitters’ base camp, to the North Slope lakes. Here, Alaska’s largest Caribou herds congregate during the fall months, before they migrate to their wintering grounds.

Bushwhack Alaska Guiding & Outfitting is a full-service Alaska owned and operated outfit, with many quality hunts and other year-round Alaskan wilderness adventures to choose from. We pride ourselves in providing our clients with a customized experience that ensures satisfaction. All of our hunts are fair chase and in game rich areas.

When you think of Arctic Alaska, what comes to mind? For many, the picture is of teeming herds of Caribou. And it’s a true picture. This huge country is filled with this unusual deer of the earth’s boreal regions. We hunt the eastern end of Alaska’s fabled Brooks Range. Some of our hunts are in America’s northernmost wildlife refuge. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was originally set aside, in part, because of the abundance of caribou in the area.

FOR ALASKA RESIDENTS ONLY: Guided caribou hunting in Alaska is a great way to experience the Alaskan outdoors and hunt one of the most amazing animals on the tundra. Caribou hunting in Alaska is one of the most economical ways of hunting Alaska. Caribou hunts also have the highest success rates. Seeing bands of caribou travel over the hill towards you makes you appreciate life in the Alaskan wilderness. Caribou have the biggest antlers in proportion to their body weight of any other animal. The guide will let you know the trophy quality of the bulls and you and him can discuss whether or not you should take him. Don’t hesitate too long though because once you get behind a caribou, you probably won’t get any closer. They cover the tundra at an unbelievable pace. I recommend a minimum caliber of .270 Win for caribou. Occasionally, long shots are needed to take these trophies. Practice close shots but also practice shots out to 200-300 yards.

I will provide you with true fair chase guides to hunt Brown Bear and Sitka Black tail Deer (Kodiak Island) or Moose, Grizzly Bear, Wolf, Dall Sheep, Caribou (Alaska Range), or Mountain Goat on the dates provided. If they do not meet your schedule, we can arrange a hunt to fit your time and needs. My pleasure will be in guiding you on the most satisfying hunt of your life.

We hunt caribou in Alaska. Hunts are conducted during August and are 7-10 day hunts. We can also conduct a 16 day hunt from September 25-October 10 for caribou in conjunction with brown bear on the lower Alaska peninsula. This time of year the caribou are just beginning to migrate but it is not uncommon to see large herds. You should expect the opportunity to see and make stalks on several different bulls during your hunt.

Your Alaska unguided caribou hunt begins when you touch down in Kotzebue after your flight from Anchorage. Before nightfall, you'll have your camp set up in one of the most remote areas of the world: the arctic tundra. We begin our drop off caribou hunt season the last few days of August and run through the end of September. With these hunt dates the caribou have already begun (or finished) shedding their velvet, their antlers are hard and the migration is working its way through our utilized drop zones.

Red Bear Guides, owned and operated by licensed Master Guide Creig Butler, who has been guiding hunters in Alaska for many years. We provide guided hunts for Brown Bear, Grizzly Bear, Moose, Caribou, Black Bear. We take personal pride in having produced many memories for our many clients.

Join resident Alaska Master Guide Mike Richmond for trophy big game hunting in Alaska. We operate fully guided hunts in 3 areas of Alaska. We hunt for Brown/Grizzly Bear, Moose, Mountain Goat, Caribou, Black Bear, Wolf, and Wolverine. All of our hunts are guided by experienced professional resident guides.

Guided Caribou Hunts! Massive antlers, flashing white mane, hunted in the remote tundra of western Alaska. Local herds are monitored thru August and September to give you the best possible chance at a quality trophy bulll. The Alaska black bear and wolf can be taken on this hunt and usually some high quality silver salmon fishing can be done. Difference with our caribou hunts: Our lodge (base of operation for your hunt) is located within GMU#19--the heart of caribou range in August and early September!!

The Lodge is one of the few places in Alaska where you can hunt for six species of big game from one camp—Dall Sheep, Grizzly/Brown Bear, Black Bear, Moose, Caribou, and Wolf. We still rely on horses in most of our hunting camps. Most of the hunts conducted at Rainy Pass Lodge are for a combination of two or three species. There is truly no other place like it.